Panash Food Cardamom (এলাচ) - 50 gm image

Panash Food Cardamom (এলাচ) - 50 gm

Brand: Panash Food

Category: Spice & Powder

TK. 250


  • Country of Origin: Bangladesh
  • Net Weight: 50gm
  • Spice Type: Cardamom (Alach)

Product Summary & Specification


Benefits Of Cardamom-
Cardamom can also remove harmful toxins from the body.
Those who suffer from respiratory problems will benefit from drinking honey, lemon juice and a cardamom in hot water.
Cardamom cures asthma and heart disease.
It can control blood pressure.
Lactose kills bacteria that cause bad breath.
Apart from this, it protects against various problems of teeth and gums including gum infection, mouth sores.
Cardamom prevents the formation of cancer cells in the body.
A small piece of cardamom also prevents the problem of muscle tension.
In this case, boiling small or large cardamom in hot water will provide quick relief.
Cardamom tea provides instant relief by relieving stress along with headaches.
For this, make cardamom tea by boiling tea leaves, cardamom powder and honey in hot water.
By eating cardamom regularly, you will get relief from various physical problems.
Cardamom removes stomach problems and acidity.
Keeps the metabolism active and aids in digestion.
To get rid of heartburn, nausea, cardamom is very beneficial.
Cardamom is full of antioxidants.
Cardamom will also be beneficial for colds and coughs.

Title: Panash Food Cardamom (এলাচ) - 50 gm
Brand: Panash Food
Country of Origin Bangladesh
Net Weight 50gm
Spice Type Cardamom (Alach)
Features Pure, Natural & Organic Product.
Adultration Free.
Free from sand, dirt and dust.
Chemical free.
Assurance of authentic quality.
From Collected to Processing under own supervision.
The Best Product in Terms Of Price.
Benefits Benefits Of Cardamom-
Cardamom can also remove harmful toxins from the body.
Those who suffer from respiratory problems will benefit from drinking honey, lemon juice and a cardamom in hot water.
Cardamom cures asthma and heart disease.
It can control blood pressure.
Lactose kills bacteria that cause bad breath. Apart from this, it protects against various problems of teeth and gums including gum infection, mouth sores.
Cardamom prevents the formation of cancer cells in the body.

Brand Information

Panash Food logo
Panash Food

Panash Food হচ্ছে অর্গানিক ও সেইফ ফুড সরবরাহকারী দেশের অন্যতম একটি প্রতিষ্ঠান। নিরাপদ ও নির্ভেজাল, বাছাইকৃত খাদ্যপন্য সাধারণ মানুষের কাছে সাশ্রয়ী মূল্যে পৌঁছে দেওয়াই হচ্ছে এর মূল উদ্দেশ্য, যাতে করে দেশের প্রত্যেক ব্যক্তি, পরিবার ও সমাজ থাকে নিরাপদ ও সুস্থ শরীরের অধিকারী।

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Panash Food Cardamom (এলাচ) - 50 gm

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