The Mystic Inferno is young Bangladeshi poet, Obaidur Rahman’s first book. Already this book of English poetry which contains 50 of his original poems, has made quite a stir in the writing communities of the capital as, uniquely, unlike other contemporary poetry books, "The Mystic Inferno" is mostly about poems that in fact very mystical & spiritual in nature. But regardless of the theme, however, some key characteristics of the poems are that they are very confessional, absolutely sincere and very serious. In other words basically the very perspective of the poet himself, on life, world and the Universe in general.
Majority of the poems of The Mystic Inferno are very rhythmic apart from for a couple of exceptions. And according to the writer, this is perhaps because of his love for music and magical lyrical influence of contemporary music that truly inspired him to write poetries that would rhyme, sound very rhythmic and generate a song-like ambiance for his poems.
Obaidur Rahman have presented his book to quite a few International personalities, some of whom actually wrote him back or send him gifts & autographs. They include guitarists Eric Clapton & Joe Satriani, singers Norah Jones, Annie Lennox and James Taylor as well as singer Robert Plant & John Paul Jones, Bass player of the great British Band Led Zeppelin. Copies were also sent to Dr. Edger Mitchell (Apollo 14 Astronaut who went to the moon in 1970’s and later the founder of Noetic Science), Writer Paulo Coelho, British singer-songwriter David Gray, the British band Deep Purple and Hollywood actress Rachel McAdams, all of whom sent him either letter or autographs, congratulating him on his book.
Readers can easily identify themselves with the writings of Obaidur Rahman as they skillfully reflect the contemporary settings that are embedded with challenges, struggles and how one aspire to be grand by triumphing over all adversities and obstacles. The fans of English literature will surely love the soulful creations of “The Mystic Inferno” which indisputably inspire one with its literary warmth and rhymed compassions.