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Krishna Book 3 Flute Of Vrindaban (Paperback)

by Ashok K. Gupta

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Krishna Book 3 Flute Of Vrindaban

Krishna Book 3 Flute Of Vrindaban (Paperback)

TK. 351

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Book Length


264 Pages



1st Edition




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Product Specification & Summary

Summary Of The Book
Krishna Book 3 Flute Of Vrindavan retells the story of the beloved prankster god, Krishna, and his naughty ways which endeared him to the community of Vrindavan.
The ninth avatar of the Lord Vishnu, Krishna is renowned for his naughty but lovable ways. His mischievous ways see him herding cattle, playing pranks on the villagers and teasing the gopis along with his older brother Balaram and his friends. One instance also sees him gather an army of monkeys to raid the village homes for their butter. His charming demeanor and proficiency with the flute, nevertheless, endears him to the entire village, who both grumble at and love his naughty ways.

His divine nature is soon revealed to his parents, as in one instance, he shows the entire planet in his mouth to his mother. Another situation sees him slaying Putana the demoness. Another instance shows him vanquishing the asuras who were sent to kill him. He emerges victorious from every danger and remains unscathed. His mortal parents are unable to accept their child’s divine nature and insist on treating him like a regular boy.

The book is action packed with many legendary battles being portrayed like Kamsa’s Kabbadi Battle with Jarasandha’s men, Krishna’s battle with Putana and Trnavarta and his battle with Kraunchya, the demon bird. The mythological tapestry weaved by Banker reveals the entertaining aspects of the stories that is a part of Indian society. The book moves from places like Mathura, Vrindavan and Gokul in this recreation of the fascinating legend.

About Ashok K. Banker
Ashok K. Banker is a writer, journalist and literary critic.
His works include The Forest of Stories, Vertigo, Byculla Boy, and Beautiful Ugly, Ten Dead Admen, King of Dharma, The Missing Parents Mystery, Prince Of Ayodhya, Bridge of Rama, Gods of War, Slayer of Kamsa, and Dance of Govinda.

Banker was brought up in an Anglo Indian environment. He is very popular with his audience, with many of his books becoming bestsellers translated into 13 languages and selling over 1.8 million copies worldwide. He started his career as a journalist, working for many renowned publications like Outlook and The Times of India. He soon shifted to literary criticism, reviewing many works of contemporary Indian Literature, after which he embarked on his successful writing career.
Title Krishna Book 3 Flute Of Vrindaban
ISBN 9789350291924
Edition 1st Edition, 2011
Number of Pages 264
Country India
Language English

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