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Gandhi Before India

চলবে ২১ ডিসেম্বর পর্যন্ত

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Gandhi Before India (Paperback)

TK. 1,078

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In 1893, when Mohandas Gandhi set sail for South Africa, he was a briefless lawyer who had failed to establish himself in India. In this remarkable biography, Ramachandra Guha argues that the two decades that Gandhi spent in the diaspora were the making of the Mahatma. It was here that he forged the philosophy and techniques that would ultimately destroy the British Empire. Based on archival research in four continents, this book explores Gandhi's experiments with dissident cults, his friendships and enmities, and his failures as a husband and father. Gandhi Before India tells the dramatic story of how he mobilized a cross-class and inter-religious coalition, pledged to non-violence in their battle against a racist regime.
Title Gandhi Before India
ISBN 9780143423416
Edition 1st Edition, 2014
Number of Pages 688
Country India
Language English

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Gandhi Before India

Ramachandra Guha

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