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Dr. A.F.M Amir Hussain books


ডা. এ.এফ.এম আমির হুসাইন

Dr. A.F.M. Amir Hussain is currently serving at the Ministry of Industries as Deputy Secretary to the Government of Bangladesh. Basically a member of Bangladesh Civil Service, 20th Batch, Mr Hussain served at Bangladesh Public Administration Training Centre (BPATC) in different capacities as Director, Deputy Director and Assistant Director. A man of Brahmanbaria, born in the year 1975, Mr. Hussain obtained Honours and Masters Degrees both in English language and Literature from Jahangirnagar University back in 1995 and 1996 respectively. He got himself admitted in Jahangirnagar University in the M.Phil programme in Applied Linguistics and ELT in the year 2005-2006. In 2006-2007, he went to University of Birmingham, UK with a scholarship from SBPATC Project and obtained MSc in Public Service Management with a distinction. For his outstanding performance in M.Phil, Part I Examination under Jahangirnagar University, the MPhil was converted to a PhD Programme. He was awarded PhD in Applied Linguistics and ELT in the year 2018 for his research ‘Teaching the English Language to the Civil Servants of Bangladesh: Needs, Problems and Solutions.’

ডা. এ.এফ.এম আমির হুসাইন এর বই সমূহ

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