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ইন্ট্রোডাকশন টু অপারেশনাল রিসার্চ

3rd Edition, 1994


চলবে ৩১ ডিসেম্বর পর্যন্ত

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ইন্ট্রোডাকশন টু অপারেশনাল রিসার্চ (Paperback)

TK. 785

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Product Specification & Summary

The revised edition of this book has been written primarily for students who may only possess elementary mathematical knowledge but want to understand the concepts and techniques in the field of Operations Research. As such, all important O.R. techniques have been described and illustrated in a lucid and easy-to-follow style. The helping statistical tools, especially the random variable and probability distributions, have also been taken care of in the present volume. The objective kept in view throughout has been to introduce basic O.R. concepts along with their applications in the context of real life industrial and business situations.

The opening chapter of the book presents an overview of O.R. followed by a chapter wherein problem formulation and modeling have been dealt with in full details. The third chapter makes lucid exposure of Random Variables O.R. techniques (including Investment Decisions: Analysis of Risk and Statistical Quality Control Techniques) have been described and illustrated in chapters four to eighteen. At the end, three appendices have been devoted toward the salient features of Markov Processes, Work Study and Exponential Smoothing respectively, so often talked about in the context of O.R. The distinct feature of the book is that mathematical complexities have been skillfully kept away to the extent possible for a quick and easy grasp of the techniques by all concerned. The book is intended to be a text-book primarily for the students M.M.A., of Com., C.A., I.C.W.A. and MBA.

About the Author
Dr C R KOTHARI is Principal, University Commerce College, Jaipur and Associate Professor in the Department of Economic Administration and Financial Management, University of Rajasthan, Jaipur. Prior to 1962 Dr Kothari had worked as lecturer at Government College, Ajmer. He has contributed research papers/articles in several research journals of repute. He is author of Quantitative Techniques also published by VIKAS. His book on Research Methodology is an equally valuable contribution in the existing literature on the subject.

Table of Contents
* An Overview Of Operational Research,
* Problem Formulation And Modelling,
* Random Variables And Probability Distributors,
* Linear Programming-I,
* Linear Programming-II,
* Combinatorial Problems: Branch And Bound Technique,
* Sequential Decisions: Dynamic Programming,
* Sequencing Problems,
* Network Analysis - CPM And PERT,
* Elements Of Replacement Theory,
* Inventory Planning Control,
* Theory Of Games,
* Queuing (Or Waiting Line) Theory,
* Simulation: Monte Carlo Technique,
* Decision Theory,
* Investment Decisions
Title ইন্ট্রোডাকশন টু অপারেশনাল রিসার্চ
ISBN 9780706985672
Edition 3rd Edition, 1994
Number of Pages 540
Country India
Language English

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ইন্ট্রোডাকশন টু অপারেশনাল রিসার্চ

C.R. Kothari

৳ 785 ৳785.0

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