Managing In Turbulent Times 

1st Edition, 2008


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Managing In Turbulent Times  (Paperback)

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Product Specification & Summary

Although first published in the eighties, Peter Drucker's Managing in Turbulent Times tackles the key issues facing managers in the 1990s : how to manage in rapidly changing environments. This seminal and prophetic book laid the foundation for a generation of writers on change management

This book the immediate future of business, society and the economy.The one certainty about the times ahead,says Drucker, is they will be turbulent times.In turbulent times the first task of management is to make sure of the organizations capacity for survival, to make sure of its structural strength and soundness, its capacity to survive a blow, to adapt to sudden change and to avail itself of new opportunities.

The author os concerned with action rather than understanding, with decisions rather than analysis.It aims at being a practical book for the decision maker,whether in the private or the public sector.
Title Managing In Turbulent Times 
ISBN 9788181473820
Edition 1st Edition, 2008
Country India
Language English

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Managing In Turbulent Times 

Peter F. Drucker

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