Marketing In The Public Sector : A Roadmap For Improved Performance 

1st Edition, 2007


৭ ডিসেম্বর থেকে আসছে বিশাল ছাড়!

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Marketing In The Public Sector : A Roadmap For Improved Performance  (Paperback)

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Product Specification & Summary

Discover how to use proven marketing thinking to supercharge the effectiveness of any government institution, public agency, or non-profit! Using s of examples, renowned marketing consultant Dr. Philip Kotler and Nancy Lee introduce breakthrough techniques for promoting innovation, speed, efficiency, convenience, responsiveness, fairness, and citizen satisfaction. The techniques outlined begin by segmenting markets; understanding the differing needs, interests, incomes, and access levels of each group; and setting the most effective service priorities within available resources. Next, the authors teach readers to position their offerings so each of their target markets can discover them and recognize their benefits. Kotler and Lee walk you through carrying out all four core “tactical” marketing activities: defining product, price (if necessary), place, and promotion. Finally, they offer indispensable practical guidance on communications strategies for reaching target markets as effectively as possible. Also included is coverage of everything from strategic partnerships to measurement and feedback. Marketing in the Public Sector also contains a full chapter on influencing positive public behaviors through social marketing.

* From the world's best-known and highly respected marketer, Phil Kotler.
* Goes beyond the 4 P's -optimizing product, price, place, and promotion - to help government and non-profit agencies implement current marketing techniques.
* Rich examples from public sector agencies across the globe, this toolbox will help reach constituents where they are, delight them, and raise the bar.
Title Marketing In The Public Sector : A Roadmap For Improved Performance 
ISBN 9788131709580
Edition 1st Edition, 2007
Number of Pages 352
Country India
Language English

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Marketing In The Public Sector : A Roadmap For Improved Performance 

Philip Kotler

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