Strategic Compensation: A Human Resource Management Approach by Joe Martocchio addresses all the issues that are related to deciding the correct payment package and thereby establish the company as a leader among its competitors. This is the sixth edition of the book and has information updated with the existing global scenario and contains several case studies to compliment the theory. The content is divided into six major parts. The first part gives an introduction to the concept of Strategic compensation and the role it plays in HR and also the factors that determine a package. Part Two deals with the determination of a pay package and the three different methods of deciding the package. Planning the compensation matrix features in the next part, which comprises payment packages that have uniformity from inside, at par with those offered in the market and also deciding the package based on performance. Part Four lists the benefits such as retirement benefits, health insurance, and other allied benefits. Compensation packages for different groups of employees and the package issues rampant across the globe constitute the rest of the book.
Table of Contents PART I: SETTING THE STAGE FOR STRATEGIC COMPENSATION Strategic Compensation: A Component of Human Resource Systems Contextual Influences on Compensation Practice
PART II: BASES FOR PAY Traditional Bases for Pay: Seniority and Merit Incentive Pay Person-Focused Pay
PART III: DESIGNING COMPENSATION SYSTEMS Building Internally Consistent Compensation Systems Building Market-Competitive Compensation Systems Building Pay Structures That Recognize Employee Contributions
PART IV: EMPLOYEE BENEFITS Discretionary Benefits Employer-Sponsored Retirement Plans and Health Insurance Programs Legally Required Benefits
PART V: COMPENSATION CHALLENGES FOR STRATEGIC EMPLOYEE GROUPS Compensating Executives Compensating the Flexible Workforce: Contingent Employees and Flexible Work Schedules
PART VI: COMPENSATION ISSUES AROUND THE WORLD Compensating Expatriates Pay and Benefits Outside the United States
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