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ডেভলপিং টুমোরোস লিডারস টুডে

1st, 2010


চলবে ৩১ ডিসেম্বর পর্যন্ত

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ডেভলপিং টুমোরোস লিডারস টুডে (Hardcover)

TK. 1,139

বইটি বিদেশি প্রকাশনী বা সাপ্লাইয়ারের নিকট থেকে সংগ্রহ করে আনতে আমাদের ৩০ থেকে ৪০ কর্মদিবস সময় লেগে যেতে পারে।

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Product Specification & Summary

Today’s large business organizations in India have a voracious need for effective managers and talented leaders; but demand far exceeds supply. This timely and practical book offers thoroughly-researched pointers on how managers can become high-performing business leaders. The leadership development curriculum proposed is based on extracting lessons from on-the-job experience. Given that the workplace is the medium through which the essentials of leadership are learned, executives and managers at all levels need to know which experiences matter, what are the foremost lessons learned, and how learning occurs. Developing Tomorrow’s Leaders Today offers a complete template for effective leadership.

The underlying research was conducted in cooperation with the Tata Management Training Center in Pune, India, and captures the experience and leadership lessons learned by over 100 senior Indian business leaders. As such it offers early and mid -career managers a roadmap for steering their careers towards the higher echelons of executive leadership; and for senior executives, a systematic and proactive approach to cultivating the leadership talent that their organization will require in the future. Global executives operating in India will find out how leadership and management are practiced in India.

About the Author
Meena Wilson is on the faculty of the Center for Creative Leadership (CCL) and is currently based in India. She is engaged in leadership research, program design and evaluation, feedback, and coaching. Meena was responsible for the launching of the Center’s Asia Pacific office in Singapore in 2003, as well as starting up a Research, Innovation, and Product Development-APAC unit in 2006. Her research focuses on how leadership is learned from experience, cross-cultural competence, and intercultural value differences. Her credits include several book chapters and authorship of International Success: Selecting, Developing, and Supporting Expatriate Managers (1998), and Managing Across Cultures: A Learning Framework (1996). Meena holds a M.S. degree in television-radio journalism from Syracuse University, and a Ph.D. in adult and organizational development from the University of North Carolina.

THE CENTER FOR CREATIVE LEADERSHIP Ranked among the world’s top providers of executive education by Bloomberg BusinessWeek and the Financial Times, the Center for Creative Leadership (CCL) develops better leaders through its exclusive focus on leadership development and research, and is headquartered in Greensboro, North Carolina, with locations in Colorado Springs, Colorado; San Diego, California; Brussels, Belgium; Moscow, Russia; Singapore; Pune, India; and Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Title ডেভলপিং টুমোরোস লিডারস টুডে
ISBN 9788126528400
Edition 1st, 2010
Number of Pages 214
Country India
Language English

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ডেভলপিং টুমোরোস লিডারস টুডে

Meena Surie Wilson

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