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Jack Straight From The Gut (Paperback)

Jack Welch

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Jack Straight From The Gut

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Jack Straight From The Gut (Paperback)

International Bestsellers

12 Ratings  |  1 Review

TK. 898

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Product Specification & Summary

"Jack Straight From The Gut" Summary Of The Book
Jack Straight From The Gut presents the success story of Jack Welch, a business legend, a self-confessed rebel, and a self-made man. Written by Welch himself, the book covers numerous aspects of his journey to the top, including his unconventional business strategies, and the people who shaped his life.

Welch started his career in 1960 as a junior chemical engineer at General Electric. In 21 years, he had risen through the ranks to assume the mantle of CEO in 1981, not without being assailed by numerous struggles and political manoeuvres over the years. At that time the company’s net worth was $12 billion.

Once Welch became the CEO, he brought about a revolution of sorts in the company’s corporate fabric. Guided by his distinctive management style, the company’s net worth ratcheted up to $280 billion in 20 years.

The book highlights several aspects of his leadership style, such as an informal, yet driven style of work, an open work culture, and individual appreciation of each of his managers. His highly personal leadership style ensured that the company thrived even during one of the most volatile phases in U.S. economic history.

Welch narrates many interesting events, including the attempt to buy Honeywell and his search for a suitable successor. The book reflects Jack Welch’s passion for his work and his sheer zest for life. It is filled with humour, candour, common sense, and many business lessons for budding managers.

Jack Straight From The Gut was published in 2007 by Hachette Books India.
About Jack Welch
Jack Welch is an American business executive, author, and chemical engineer.
He has written books like Jacked Up, and Jack Straight From The Gut. He has also collaborated with other authors to write books like 10-10-10: 10 Minutes, 10 Months, 10 years, Managing Up: How To Forge An Effective Relationship With Those Above You, and Winning.

His writing focuses on various aspects of business, management, and success.
Jack Welch was born on November 19, 1935, in Peabody, Massachusetts, United States. He was educated at the Salem High School. He graduated with a bachelor’s degree in Chemical Engineering from University of Massachusetts Amherst. He went on to earn a master’s degree and a doctorate from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Welch has been married three times. The first two marriages ended in divorce. He had four children from his first marriage. He lives in Boston, Massachusetts.
Title Jack Straight From The Gut
ISBN 9780755311286
Edition Updated Edition, 2003
Number of Pages 496
Country India
Language English

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Jack Straight From The Gut

Jack Welch

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