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সিয়ার্স এ্যান্ড জেমান্সকি ইউনিভার্সিটি ফিজিক্স (ভলিউম ২) ইলেকট্রিসিটি এ্যান্ড ম্যাগনেটিজম image

সিয়ার্স এ্যান্ড জেমান্সকি ইউনিভার্সিটি ফিজিক্স (ভলিউম ২) ইলেকট্রিসিটি এ্যান্ড ম্যাগনেটিজম (Paperback)

Roger A. Freedman

Total: TK. 880

সিয়ার্স এ্যান্ড জেমান্সকি ইউনিভার্সিটি ফিজিক্স (ভলিউম ২) ইলেকট্রিসিটি এ্যান্ড ম্যাগনেটিজম

12th Edition, 2011


চলবে ৩১ ডিসেম্বর পর্যন্ত

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সিয়ার্স এ্যান্ড জেমান্সকি ইউনিভার্সিটি ফিজিক্স (ভলিউম ২) ইলেকট্রিসিটি এ্যান্ড ম্যাগনেটিজম (Paperback)

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TK. 880

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Product Specification & Summary

"Sears And Zemanskys University Physics Volume Ii : Electricity And Magnetism" Summary Of The Book:
Incorporating the finest ideas from education research, the latest edition of this popular series features conceptual pedagogy, and increased problem solving instructions. The renowned 4 step technique to solve problems (the first one is to identify followed by setup, then execute and finally evaluate) is applied to all the examples, solutions and problem solving methods. The author incorporated several examples in his attempt to help readers understand this essential concept. Each chapter presents the student with an intriguing line of questions. The author has based these questions on actual scenarios and has ensured that they relate to the subject at hand. He has provided clear and descriptive answers to these questions that will help you compare the effects and causes.
Sears And Zemansky's University Physics Volume II: Electricity And Magnetism covers topics like Electromagnetic Waves, Direct Current Circuits, Inductance, Electric Field and Electric Charge, Dielectrics and Capacitance, Alternating Current, Current, Resistance, and Electromotive Force, Gauss’s Law, Electromagnetic Induction, Magnetic Forces and Fields, Electric Potential and Sources of Magnetic Field.
Every chapter has a rationalized and organized set of instructions and practices. Each chapter begins with a set of learning goals and ends with visual summaries consolidated to describe each concept using words, figures and math. The ubiquitous method of annotation is used liberally to enhance the readers’ learning experience.
Sears And Zemansky's University Physics Volume II: Electricity And Magnetism by Young is acclaimed for presenting an exhaustive and highly effective problem solving program. The 12th edition incorporates feedback related to student performances and provides an enhanced library of physics problems. Each chapter ends with a compilation of relevant questions that scrutinize and explores a student’s understanding.

About Hugh D. Young
Hugh D. Young was a professor at Carnegie Mellon University. His work has always focused on undergraduate education. He has authored and co-authored several textbooks related to Physics. Statistical Treatment Of Experimental Data, University Physics with Modern Physics, Student Solutions Manual University Physics with Modern Physics, and College Physics are a few of the books written by him. His books gather a lot of praise and appreciation from students as they are clear and concise.
Young was born in 1930, and holds a BS, MS and PhD in Physics. He has served as a Professor at Carnegie Tech and the University of California. He was awarded The William H. and Frances S. Ryan Award for Meritorious Teaching. He holds The Robert Doherty Award and the Richard Moore Award for his exceptional work in the field of education. The Carnegie Mellon Alumni Service Award was also presented to him. University Physics, the most popular work of Young, is one of the most preferred introductory books.

"Sears And Zemanskys University Physics Volume Ii : Electricity And Magnetism" Contents Of The Book:
1. Electric Charge and Electric Field
2. Gauss’s Law
3. Electric Potential
4. Capacitance and Dielectrics
5. Current, Resistance, and Electromotive Force
6. Direct-Current Circuits
7. Magnetic Field and Magnetic Forces
8. Sources of Magnetic Field
9. Electromagnetic Induction
10. Inductance
11. Alternating Current
12. Electromagnetic Waves (
Title সিয়ার্স এ্যান্ড জেমান্সকি ইউনিভার্সিটি ফিজিক্স (ভলিউম ২) ইলেকট্রিসিটি এ্যান্ড ম্যাগনেটিজম
ISBN 9788131758625
Edition 12th Edition, 2011
Number of Pages 452
Country India
Language English

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সিয়ার্স এ্যান্ড জেমান্সকি ইউনিভার্সিটি ফিজিক্স (ভলিউম ২) ইলেকট্রিসিটি এ্যান্ড ম্যাগনেটিজম

Roger A. Freedman

৳ 880 ৳880.0

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