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Corporate And Allied Laws (CA Final) (Paperback)

Tejpal Sheth

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Corporate And Allied Laws (CA Final)

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Corporate And Allied Laws (CA Final) (Paperback)

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Product Specification & Summary

Tips for Reading This Book and Scoring well in the Examination
How to Read This Book
The book is divided into 23 chapters. Chapters 1-13 covers the provisions related to the Companies Act, 1956, having mark allocation of 70 marks. Chapters 14-23 cover the allied laws having mark allocation of 30 marks. Each chapter is divided into five seg- ments. the purpose of each segment and methodology of referring is stated segments wise Bas under:
HOT 1. Basic Theory Along with HOT
Student should read the Basic Theory first, which is given point to point. A student may write a few important points in his/her note for rapid revision. For your convenience, vital points have been high- lighted with bold fonts. You can revise the theory once again if you find it appropriate before proceeding to the next level. At the relevant places in theory, HOT boxes (Higher Order Thinking) are design to provide opportunity to ponder and think over concept.
2. List of Landmark Judgments
After you finish the basic theory portion, you can refer the landmark judgements for better clarity on theory you referred. If you wish, you can list few of them on your paper or board and revise it frequently to memorise easily.
3. Solved Past Examination Questions from CA and CS Examination Once you are through and sure about first two segments, it is time to try skill. Refer the past examination questions asked in CA and CS examinations. Almost from 1992, all possible questions are included. First read the question without refereeing to its answer. Try to identify concept and provision involved in question. Make rough outline of the answer in your mind. Now compare it with answer given. All similar kinds of questions are clubbed together to avoid duplication and stress. Each question highlights the year and attempt. It provides better idea about what is being asked repeatedly.
4. Unsolved Practical Problems
After you have gone through the solved past papers, now it is time to test your skill. All unsolved ques- tions are designed. Almost of these are based on conceptual clarity.
5. Further Resources
Lastly, if you have any keenness for reading further material or to know more detail on topic covered, you may refer the link and name of act or rules to gain more knowledge. This segment is more useful for faculty and students who are endowed with an attitude to research.
Title Corporate And Allied Laws (CA Final)
ISBN 9788131790564
Edition 1st Edition, 2013
Number of Pages 685
Country India
Language English

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Corporate And Allied Laws (CA Final)

Tejpal Sheth

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