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এডোব আফটার ইফেক্ট সিসি ক্লাসরুম ইন এ বুক

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এডোব আফটার ইফেক্ট সিসি ক্লাসরুম ইন এ বুক (Paperback)

TK. 9,934

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Product Specification & Summary

The 14 project-based lessons in this book show students step-by-step the key techniques for working in After Effects CC and how to work efficiently and deliver in the widest possible range of media types.In addition to learning the key elements of the After Effects interface, this completely revised CC edition covers new features, including integration with Cinema 4D, new Roto Brush and improved Refine Edge tool, improved 3D Camera Tracker, Bicubic Scaling, new Snapping feature, cross-integration with other Creative Suite applications (Audition, Premiere), new presets for working with Adobe Media Encoder, and more. New to this After Effects CC edition—students now download the lesson files from the Peachpit website, so they can work along, step-by-step, with the book. Salient Features Best-selling book on Adobe After Effects — now fully revised for version CC • Comprehensive, project-based lessons teach key concepts for creating cinematic visual effects and sophisticated motion graphics with After Effects CC • All-updated lessons cover new features, including integration with Cinema 4D, new Roto Brush and improved Refine Edge tool, improved 3D Camera Tracker, Bicubic Scaling, new Snapping feature, and more • Official training series from Adobe Systems Inc., developed with the support of Adobe product experts.
Title এডোব আফটার ইফেক্ট সিসি ক্লাসরুম ইন এ বুক
ISBN 9780321929600
Edition 1st Edition, 2013
Number of Pages 400
Country India
Language English

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এডোব আফটার ইফেক্ট সিসি ক্লাসরুম ইন এ বুক

Adobe After Effects CC Classroom in a Book

৳ 9,934 ৳9934.0

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