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কোর্স বুকলেট ফর সিসিএনএ এক্সপ্লোরেশন এক্সসেসিং দ্যা ডব্লিউএএন ভার্সন ৪.০১

1st Edition, 2010


চলবে ৩১ ডিসেম্বর পর্যন্ত

00 : 00 : 00 : 00

কোর্স বুকলেট ফর সিসিএনএ এক্সপ্লোরেশন এক্সসেসিং দ্যা ডব্লিউএএন ভার্সন ৪.০১ (Paperback)

TK. 810

বইটি বিদেশি প্রকাশনী বা সাপ্লাইয়ারের নিকট থেকে সংগ্রহ করে আনতে আমাদের ৩০ থেকে ৪০ কর্মদিবস সময় লেগে যেতে পারে।

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Summary Of The Book
Course Booklet For CCNA Exploration Accessing The Wan, Version 4.01 has been specially designed for use by students and instructors in places where there is no access to the Internet. CCNA Exploration students will find this an affordable study resource as it not only enables them to study offline, but also helps them switch between offline and online content with ease.

This booklet guides students via the use of a theoretical as well as a practical approach. Designing, operating, installing, and maintaining systems are the essential components that contribute in creating full-fledged networks in the real world. All these features have been extensively discussed in the book, through a step-by-step and hands-on approach.

The handy printed format of the material allows students to not only make notes out of the resources made available, but also permits them to highlight important points for quick accessibility to them.

The pages in the booklet have links to its online counterpart or its online curriculum. In fact, this course booklet has been directly taken from the online set of courses. Thus, students who study through this course book will not miss out on any important points. Every skill pertaining to the needs of developing a good networking channel is given much importance and has been meticulously discussed here in the booklet.

The headings here are meant to provide a quick view to the online courses and the icons help readers take advantage of the Packet Tracer activities, Labs, Images, and flash-related activities. The direct reference from the online course facilitates a word for word extraction.

The Course Booklet For CCNA Exploration Accessing The Wan, Version 4.01 is a part of the initiative taken up by the Cisco Networking Academy to open the doors for individuals looking for a career opportunity in the field of networking and information technology. They have not only started providing courses online and offline, but have also started providing various interactive tools and lab activities for thorough preparation.
Title কোর্স বুকলেট ফর সিসিএনএ এক্সপ্লোরেশন এক্সসেসিং দ্যা ডব্লিউএএন ভার্সন ৪.০১
ISBN 9788131756249
Edition 1st Edition, 2010
Number of Pages 384
Country India
Language English

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কোর্স বুকলেট ফর সিসিএনএ এক্সপ্লোরেশন এক্সসেসিং দ্যা ডব্লিউএএন ভার্সন ৪.০১

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