Windows System Programming

1st Edition, 2011


৭ ডিসেম্বর থেকে আসছে বিশাল ছাড়!

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Windows System Programming (Paperback)

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Product Specification & Summary

Windows System Programming, 4/e is the definitive developer's guide to making the most of the core Windows APIs, including those introduced with Windows Vista, Windows Server 2008, and beyond. Thoroughly updated to reflect Microsoft's new APIs, this book focuses on essential core system services -- file system, memory, processes and threads, synchronization, communication, and security -- rather than the more commonly featured graphical user interface functions. Beginning with an examination of the features required in a single-process application, the text gradually progresses to increasingly sophisticated functions and multithreaded environments. Each chapter contains realistic examples, and this edition's code samples have been updated and streamlined to reflect today's best practices for Windows development and 64-bit code portability. This edition's extensive new coverage includes: " An all-new chapter on parallelism and performance in multicore systems " Detailed new coverage of source code portability across Windows, Linux, and UNIX " New coverage of .NET and managed code impact and co-existence " When, why, and how to use the Windows API vs. .NET " More coverage of security, benchmarking, and other key topics Many readers have noted that Hart's book perfectly complements Mark Russinovich's well-known Windows Internals: Hart shows how to make the most of the features that Russinovich describes.
Title Windows System Programming
ISBN 9788131758120
Edition 1st Edition, 2011
Country India
Language English

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Windows System Programming

Johnson M. Hart

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