Public-key Cryptography provides a comprehensive coverage of the mathematical tools required for understanding the techniques of public-key cryptography and cryptanalysis. Key topics covered in the book include common cryptographic primitives and symmetric techniques, quantum cryptography, complexity theory, and practical cryptanalytic techniques such as side-channel attacks and backdoor attacks.
Organized into eight chapters and supplemented with four appendices, this book is designed to be a self-sufficient resource for all students, teachers and researchers interested in the field of cryptography.
Key Feature * Detailed coverage of public-key cryptography standards and definitions. * Examples, algorithms and mathematical results integrated throughout the chapters. * Exercises to deepen the understanding of the concepts discussed in the chapters. * Appendices on symmetric techniques, key exchange in sensor networks, complexity theory and cryptography, and hints for deriving solutions to complex problems. * Topics graded according to difficulty level.
Table of Contents * Preface Notations * Overview * Mathematical Concepts * Algebraic and Number-theoretic Computations * The Intractable Mathematical Problems * Cryptographic Algorithms * Standards * Cryptanalysis in Practice * Quantum Computation and Cryptography * Appendices * Symmetric Techniques * Key Exchange in Sensor Networks * Complexity Theory and Cryptography * Hints to Selected Exercises
পাবলিক কি ক্রিপ্টোগ্রাফি থিওরি এ্যান্ড প্রাকটিস (পেপারব্যাক)