Inside CORBA : Distributed Object Standards and Applications

1st Edition, 2002


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Inside CORBA : Distributed Object Standards and Applications (Paperback)

TK. 1,042

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Product Specification & Summary

Inside CORBA is a comprehensive and authoritative guide to distributed object architecture, software development, and CORBA (Common Object Request Broker Architecture) standards, CORBA is a consensus standard from industry that has transformed the way information systems are developed, both for creating distributed object-oriented systems and for migrating legacy systems to modern architecture. This must-read for all managers, architects, and developers of distributed system begins by addressing the key organizational challenges to the adoption of CORBA and the essential management guidance necessary to ensure its success.
Title Inside CORBA : Distributed Object Standards and Applications
ISBN 9788177582475
Edition 1st Edition, 2002
Number of Pages 584
Country India
Language English

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Inside CORBA : Distributed Object Standards and Applications

Thomas J. Mowbray

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