Salient Features 1. The definitive Fedora and Red Hat resource for users, admins, and programmers at all levels of experience 2. Covers command line, GUIs, servers, security, scripting, administration, and much more 3. Expanded security coverage 4. New indexing system helps readers find answers even faster 5. DVD contains the new Fedora Core 15 distribution 6. Adding a college-style pedagogy, including Learning Objectives, Key Concepts, Labs, and End-of-Chapter Summaries. 7. There will be a comprehensive Instructor's Manual for course use.
About the Author Mark Sobell's books have earned a reputation as the most thorough and up-to-date guides to installing, configuring, and working with Linux. They've become legendary for their versatility as both tutorials and references, making them ideal for both entry-level and more advanced students. As always, Sobell teaches both the "hows" and the "whys" - and readers will find answers and solutions faster than ever, thanks to this edition's completely revamped index system.
Now fully updated for both Fedora Core 15 and Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6, Sobell's new edition of A Practical Guide to Fedora and Red Hat Enterprise Linux walks readers through every essential feature and technique they'll need now and for years to come.
Table of Content 1. Welcome to Linux 2. Installation Overview 3. Step-by-Step Installation 4. Introduction to Fedora and Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5. The Linux Utilities 6. The Linux File System 7. The Shell 8. Linux GUIs: X and GNOME 9. The Bourne Again Shell 10. Networking and the Internet 11. System Administration: Core Concepts 12. Files, Directories, and File Systems 13. Finding, Downloading, and Installing Software 14. Printing with CUPS 15. Building a Linux Kernel 16. Administration Tasks 17. Configuring and Monitoring a LAN 18. Open SSH: Secure Network Communication 19. FTP: Transferring Files Across a Network 20. Send mail: Setting Up Mail Servers, Clients, and More 21. NIS and LDAP 22. NFS: Sharing Directory Hierarchies 23. Samba: Linux and Windows File and Printer Sharing 24. DNS/BIND: Tracking Domain Names and Addresses 25. System Con-fig Firewall and IP tables: Setting Up a Firewall 26. Apache (httpd): Setting Up a Web Server 27. Programming the Bourne Again Shell 28. The Perl Scripting Language