Make the most of Access 2013without becoming a technical expert! This book is the fastest way to master Access and use it to build powerful, useful databases of all kindseven web application databases! Even if youve never used Access before, youll learn how to do what you want, one incredibly clear and easy step at a time. Access has never, ever been this simple!
Who knew how simple Access 2013 could be? This is the easiest, most practical beginners guide to using Microsofts incredibly powerful new Access 2013 database program simple, reliable instructions for doing everything you really want to do!
Table of Contents * PART I: First Steps with JavaScript * HOUR 1: Introducing JavaScript * HOUR 2: Writing Simple Scripts * HOUR 3: Using Functions * HOUR 4: DOM Objects and Built-In Objects * HOUR 5: Different Types of Data * PART II: More Advanced JavaScript * HOUR 6: Scripts That Do More * HOUR 7: Object Oriented Programming * HOUR 8: Meet JSON * HOUR 9: Responding to Events * HOUR 10: JavaScript and Cookies * PART III: Working with the Document Object Model (DOM) * HOUR 11: Navigating the DOM * HOUR 12: Scripting the DOM * HOUR 13: JavaScript and CSS * HOUR 14: Good Coding Practice * HOUR 15: Graphics and Animation * PART IV: Ajax * HOUR 16: Introducing Ajax * HOUR 17: Creating a Simple Ajax Library * HOUR 18: Solving Ajax Problems * PART V: Using JavaScript Libraries * HOUR 19: Making Life Easier with Libraries * HOUR 20: A Closer Look at jQuery * HOUR 21: The jQuery UI User Interface Library * PART VI: Using JavaScript with Other Web Technologies * HOUR 22: JavaScript and Multimedia * HOUR 23: HTML5 and JavaScript * HOUR 24: JavaScript Beyond the Web Page * PART VII: Appendices * APPENDIX A: Tools for JavaScript Development * APPENDIX B: JavaScript Quick Reference