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জাভা কোডিং গাইডলাইনস ৭৫ রিকমেন্ডেশনস ফর রিলায়েবল এ্যান্ড সিকিউর প্রোগ্রামস

1st Edition, 2014


চলবে ৩১ ডিসেম্বর পর্যন্ত

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জাভা কোডিং গাইডলাইনস ৭৫ রিকমেন্ডেশনস ফর রিলায়েবল এ্যান্ড সিকিউর প্রোগ্রামস (Paperback)

TK. 808

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Product Specification & Summary

Fred Long, Dhruv Mohindra, Robert C. Seacord, Dean F. Sutherland, and David Svoboda’s Java Coding Guidelines, published by Pearson Education, is a comprehensive book that brings together expert recommendations, guidelines, and code examples. It comprises of 75 guidelines, and for each guideline, conformance requirements are specified for most. Non-compliant code examples and compliant solutions are also offered. The authors discuss when to apply each guideline and offer references to even more exhaustive information. Reflecting ground-breaking research on Java security, this title provides updated techniques for protecting against both deliberate attacks and other unforeseen events. Readers will find the best practices for refining code reliability and clarity. An exclusive chapter discussing common misunderstandings that lead to suboptimal code is also included.

About Pearson Education
Pearson Education has been publishing books of all genres like science, technology, law, business, humanities and others, and has been educating more than a hundred million people across the world. Their books have not only been helping students in learning, but are also aiding teachers and professionals. Some of the books published by Pearson are Decision Support and Business Intelligence systems, Electromagnetic Field Theory, Computer Architecture and Organization, Managing Business Process Flows and A Critical Companion to Compulsory English.
Title জাভা কোডিং গাইডলাইনস ৭৫ রিকমেন্ডেশনস ফর রিলায়েবল এ্যান্ড সিকিউর প্রোগ্রামস
ISBN 9789332535961
Edition 1st Edition, 2014
Number of Pages 304
Country India
Language English

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জাভা কোডিং গাইডলাইনস ৭৫ রিকমেন্ডেশনস ফর রিলায়েবল এ্যান্ড সিকিউর প্রোগ্রামস

Dean F. Sutherland

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