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Learning JavaScript

1st Edition, 2014


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Learning JavaScript (Paperback)

A Hands-On Guide to the Fundamentals of Modern JavaScript

2 Ratings  |  1 Review

TK. 1,386

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Product Specification & Summary

The emergence of web technologies like HTML5, jQuery, and Ajax has supercharged interest in JavaScript. Learning JavaScript is a useful, hands-on introduction to modern JavaScript programming. Leading web developer, speaker, and innovator Tim Wright has brought together everything JavaScript novices need to know - and he's completely avoided all the "filler" and obsolete content that make other JavaScript books so frustrating. Step by step, Wright illuminates key techniques ranging from events to data storage, code organization to library usage and integration with HTML5 and CSS3. This authoritative, enthusiastic book will prepare students to apply JavaScript best practices in production projects, writing robust, secure code for the design level (jQuery, interface design), the development level (NodeJS, front-end templating), or both.
Title Learning JavaScript
ISBN 9789332515925
Edition 1st Edition, 2014
Number of Pages 360
Country India
Language English

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Learning JavaScript

Tim Wright

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