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সি এফএকিউএস

2nd Edition, 2002


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সি এফএকিউএস (Paperback)

TK. 1,071

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Product Specification & Summary

Summary Of The Book Being the moderators of official online C forums, the authors of the book C FAQs, Marshall Cline, Mike Girou, Greg Lomow are well aware of the most frequent problems that a programmer faces. Therefore, the authors have addressed the most common issues faced by a professional programmer with thorough explanation. The answer to each question in this book starts with an overview of the problem, and then the solution. The book then explains the concepts in detail, and gives useful guidelines and directions for the programmers on proper usage of C . The book also comprises of an exhaustive collection of executable example of C programs.

C FAQs also covers all the latest major and minor changes in the C technology, which includes the C Standard Library, STL etc. This book is also compliant with all the latest C ANSI/ISO Standard. Apart from C , this book also discusses other technologies related with C , for example- ActiveX, COM/COM , CORBA, and Java.

This book is a great help for the programmers for writing correct C constructs and for using C effectively.

About The Authors
Marshall Cline, President of MT Systems Company, is a developer of object-oriented programs for business organisations.

Cline trains both professionals and academicians about object-oriented programming design and analysis. He also runs an online forum of official C FAQs. Marshall Cline was the one to establish the law of The Rule of Three in C , in the year 1991. Cline holds a PhD degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering from the Clarkson University.

Mike Girou is an active member of the International C standards committee, and the Chairman of MT Systems Company.

Girou also obtained a PhD from the University of Missouri, in the field of Mathematics.

Greg Lomow is also a mentor for various development teams on object-oriented programming concepts.

He developed distributed systems and applications for banking and financial institutions for fifteen years. He holds a PhD degree from the University of Calgary in Computer Science.

Table of Contents

Part 1: Preliminaries
* Chapter 1: Introduction
* Chapter 2: Basic C Syntax and semantics
* Chapter 3: Understanding the Management perspective
* Chapter 4: The architectural Perspective

Part 2: Object-Oriented design
* Chapter 5: Object-Oriented Fundamentals
* Chapter 6; Specification of Observable behavior
* Chapter 7: Proper Inheritance
* Chapter 8: Detecting and correction improper inheritance
* Chapter 9: Error Handling strategies
* Chapter 10: Testing strategies

Part 3: Language Facilities
* Chapter 11: References
* Chapter 12: New and Delete
* Chapter 13: In line Functions
* Chapter 14; Const correctness
* Chapter 15: Name spaces
* Chapter 16: Using Static
* Chapter 17: Derived classes
* Chapter 18: Access Control
* Chapter 19: Friend classed and friend functions
* Chapter 20: Constructors and Destructor
* Chapter 21: Virtual Functions
* Chapter 22: Initialization lists
* Chapter 23: Operator Overloading
* Chapter 24: Assignment Operations
* Chapter 25: Templates
* Chapter 26: Exception Tactics
* Chapter 27: Types and RTTI
* Chapter 28: Containers

Part 4: Topics
* Chapter 29: Mixing overloading with inheritance
* Chapter 30: The big three
* Chapter 31: Using Object to Prevent Memory Leaks
Title সি এফএকিউএস
ISBN 9788177586442
Edition 2nd Edition, 2002
Number of Pages 624
Country India
Language English

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