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সি প্রিমিয়ার

4th Edition, 2007


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সি প্রিমিয়ার (Paperback)

TK. 1,222

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Product Specification & Summary

Summary Of The Book
This is the fourth edition of C Primer and it aims at enlightening the readers on the current usage of this programming language. This book is also a part of the curriculum for Visvesvaraya Technological University. It provides readers with an insight into the elementary concepts of the language by incorporating several teaching methodologies.

The book contains a total of 18 chapters along with an appendix at the end of the book. The topics covered in this book include Library Types, Variables and Basic Types, Arrays and Pointers, Expressions, Generic Algorithms, Functions, Associative Containers, Tools For Large Programes, Object Oriented Programming, Copy Control, Classes, Sequential Containers, and Specialized Tools and Techniques.

The authors’ main objective in C Primer is to introduce the readers to modern programming methodologies using the C language. Apart from that, they also detail the usage of Standard Library Abstractions rather than in-built low-level abilities. Individuals who have never learnt the language and those who are pros at it can both benefit from this book.

About The Authors
The author of this book, Stanley B. Lippman, is a renowned computer scientist.

from this book, Lippman has also published several other books such as Inside The C Object Model, Essential C , and C Gems: Programming Pearls From The C Report, for which he was the editor.

Lippman has been a part of Bell Laboratories, where he and Bjarne Stroustrup contributed to the development of C in its initial stages. In the year 2001, he became a developer of Visual C . Following that, he became a part of Emergent Game Technologies in the year 2007.

The co-author of this book, Barbara E. Moo, is also a well-known computer scientist who has served as the head of technical development at AT
Title সি প্রিমিয়ার
ISBN 9788131710777
Edition 4th Edition, 2007
Number of Pages 908
Country India
Language English

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সি প্রিমিয়ার

Stanley B. Lippman

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