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রিয়েল টাইম ইউএমএল অ্যাডভান্সেস ইন দ্যা ইউ এমএলফর রিয়েল টাইম সিস্টেমস

3rd Edition, 2007


চলবে ৩১ ডিসেম্বর পর্যন্ত

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রিয়েল টাইম ইউএমএল অ্যাডভান্সেস ইন দ্যা ইউ এমএলফর রিয়েল টাইম সিস্টেমস (Paperback)

TK. 1,510

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Product Specification & Summary

Summary Of The Book
UML is a standardized object oriented modelling language for software engineering. It can be seen as a general purpose language that is a combination of component modelling, business modelling, data modelling, and object modelling. Real Time UML: Advances In The UML For Real-Time Systems covers the main concepts of UML and emphasizes the importance of the two main factors involved in the development of real time systems, memory size and the speed of execution.

The first chapter is titled Introduction to Real Time and Other Embedded Systems. The second chapter is all about the structural aspects of Object Orientation with UML 2.0. It defines concepts like interfaces, classes, objects, relations, components, packages and subsystems, and the model of structural elements of UML for the advanced versions of the language. There are additional semantics and notations as well.

The third chapter of Real Time UML: Advances In The UML For Real-Time Systems illustrates the dynamic aspects of the orientation of objects in the UML system, such as its behaviour, types, single objects, and its primitives. The fourth one delves into the profile of UML with respect to performance and time, and what RT profile in UML is all about. Concepts like the analysis of requirements in the UML system, an enquiry into use cases, the analysis of objects, domain-discovery of objects, connecting the model of use case with the object model, and the identification of the association of objects are discussed next.

The seventh chapter is all about defining object behaviour, state behaviour, operations, and interactions. The eighth one is an introduction to architectural design using a combination of software and hardware in deployment architecture, and resource design and concurrency. Topics such as mechanistic design and its pattern, the observer pattern, guarded call pattern, smart pointer pattern, rendezvous pattern, and container pattern are explained in the ninth chapter.

Detailed design and its associations, data structure, visibility, operations, exceptions, and algorithms are also some of the concepts explored. The final chapter of Real Time UML: Advances In The UML For Real-Time Systems is a special topic on C4ISR.

About Bruce Powel Douglass
Bruce Powel Douglass is an author, consultant, mentor, trainer, speaker, and a sportsperson. He works for IBM Rational as their Chief Evangelist. Other books by this author include Real-Time Agility: The Harmony/ESW Method For Real-Time And Embedded Systems Development, Doing Hard Time: Developing Real-Time Systems With UML, Objects, Framework And Pattern, and Real-Time UML Workshop For Embedded Systems.

Douglass completed his graduation with a mathematics major from the University of Oregon. He also holds a Ph.D. in Neurophysiology from USD Medical School and a Master’s degree in Exercise Physiology from the University of Oregon. Douglas is also a successful designer of tools for the development of real time systems.
Title রিয়েল টাইম ইউএমএল অ্যাডভান্সেস ইন দ্যা ইউ এমএলফর রিয়েল টাইম সিস্টেমস
ISBN 9788131700792
Edition 3rd Edition, 2007
Number of Pages 746
Country India
Language English

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রিয়েল টাইম ইউএমএল অ্যাডভান্সেস ইন দ্যা ইউ এমএলফর রিয়েল টাইম সিস্টেমস

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