Enterprise Integration Patterns

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Enterprise Integration Patterns (Paperback)

Designing, Building, and Deploying Messaging Solutions

TK. 2,700

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Product Specification & Summary

Enterprise Integration Patterns: Designing Building and Deploying Messaging Solutions, authored by Gregor Hohpe, is the paperback edition of the comprehensive textbook about designing, building, and deploying messaging solutions. The explanations on how patterns help, what is the need for integration, and asynchronous messaging architectures enable the students to grasp the topic better. The book is divided into 14 chapters, including solving integration problems using patterns, messaging channels, integration styles, message transformation, message construction, interlude: simple messaging, messaging endpoints, messaging systems, composed messaging, message routing,and integration patterns in practice. The author also includes two chapters on system management with many examples. The inclusion of common vocabulary and visual notations will help the reader to easily understand a complex and difficult topic like enterprise integration.

Gregor Hohpe is an author, speaker, and technical expert in the field of enterprise integration. He has authored books such as Enterprise Solution Patterns, Integration Patterns, and Enterprise Integration Patterns: Designing Building and Deploying Messaging Solutions. He has also co-authored a book called Enterprise Solution Patterns using Microsoft .NET. His expertise includes asynchronous messaging and architecture. Hohpe works for Google as a software engineer.
Title Enterprise Integration Patterns
ISBN 9788131725085
Edition 1st Edition, 2008
Number of Pages 736
Country India
Language English

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