Object Oriented Software Engineering

1st Edition, 2002


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Object Oriented Software Engineering (Paperback)

A Use Case Driven Approach

TK. 1,791

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Product Specification & Summary

Object-Oriented Software Engineering : A Use Case Driven Approach is a comprehensive textbook for professional programmers, developers and managers. The book discusses how to solve the software crisis and how to improve the object-oriented process for developing large-scale industrial systems using Objectory. It teaches readers about system development and how to take a global view on it. It also covers minimization of the system’s life cycle cost. This updated edition brings readers the latest advancements in the system and teaches them about incorporating the changes in their program development methods.

About the Authors
Ivar Jacobson is a Swedish computer scientist, best known as a pioneer in UML, Objectory, Rational Unified Process (RUP), aspect-oriented software development and Essence.

Magnus Christerson is the Vice President of Product Management, at Intentional Software Corporation. He is a pioneer of modern software engineering practices like object-oriented development and model driven practices in industrial contexts.

Patrik Jonsson is a software engineer.
Gunnar Overgaard is a renowned authority on UML and use cases, and he spearheaded the global object technology community.
Title Object Oriented Software Engineering
ISBN 9788131704080
Edition 1st Edition, 2002
Number of Pages 552
Country India
Language English

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Object Oriented Software Engineering

Ivar Jacobson

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