Introduction To Software Testing

1st Edition, 2002


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Introduction To Software Testing (Paperback)

TK. 1,040

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Product Specification & Summary

Testing plays a vital role in the development of quality software. However, many organizations have ill-defined testing processes, forcing testers to work with little guidance and having to learn their craft the hard way. This book is designed to help the inexperienced tester to make intelligent choices and maximise the effectiveness of tests, even when faced with incomplete or contradictory requirements.

By applying risk analysis and other prioritization schemes, software developers and testers can select the most relevant tests. The ideas and examples provided, help to transform product information into test cases and progress towards a more rigorous testing environment.
Title Introduction To Software Testing
ISBN 9788177582437
Edition 1st Edition, 2002
Number of Pages 304
Country India
Language English

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Introduction To Software Testing

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