Quality Engineering Using Robust Design

1st Edition, 2008


৭ ডিসেম্বর থেকে আসছে বিশাল ছাড়!

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Quality Engineering Using Robust Design (Paperback)

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Product Specification & Summary

This book shows how to design high-quality products and processes at low cost using a unique approach that makes product/process engineering much more efficient and systematic.

Salient Features
* Explores an innovative method (based on the Taguchi Method) of design optimization for performance, quality, and cost the Robust Design.
* Shows how to do many things which involve: 1) making product performance insensitive to raw material variation, 2) developing designs that are robust against manufacturing variation, 3) using designs that are the least sensitive to changes in the operating environment, 4) taking advantage of a structured development process that allows engineering time to be used most productively, 5) using orthogonal arrays to study a large number of decision variables with a small numbers of experiments, and 6) investigating and putting to work a measure of quality called signal-to-noise
* (S/N) ratio to predict the quality of a product from the customer's perspective.
* Focuses on the actual engineering problems rather than statistical theory.
* Features a series of real case studies that relate the method to the fabrication of integrated circuits, circuit design, computer tuning, and mechanical routing.

Table of Contents
1. Introduction.
2. Principles of Quality Engineering.
3. Matrix Experiments Using Orthogonal Arrays.
4. Steps in Robust Design.
5. Signal-to-Noise Ratios.
6. Quality Characteristics.
7. Constructing Orthogonal Arrays.
8. Computer-Aided Robust Design.
9. Design of Dynamic Systems.
10. Tuning Computer Systems for High Performance.
11. Reliability Improvement.
Appendix A: Orthogonality of a Matrix Experiment.
Appendix B: Unconstrained Optimization.
Appendix C: Standard Orthogonal Arrays and Linear Graphs.
Title Quality Engineering Using Robust Design
ISBN 9788131722398
Edition 1st Edition, 2008
Number of Pages 334
Country India
Language English

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