Study in America : The Definitive Guide for Aspiring Students (Paperback)

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Study in America : The Definitive Guide for Aspiring Students (Paperback)

TK. 898

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Product Specification & Summary

For students applying to U.S. universities, picking out exactly what they need to know from the abundance of information available on the Internet becomes a time-consuming and difficult task. Study in America: The Definitive Guide for Aspiring Students, an authoritative and comprehensive handbook, makes this task simple by addressing the specific needs of students aspiring to go to the USA for higher studies.

This book provides step-by-step advice on the application process, the tests required, choosing universities, writing application essays, and obtaining financial aid. It also guides students through the all-important process of obtaining a U.S. visa. Sensitive to the specific needs of international students, this book explains the unique vocabulary that one comes across in U.S. campuses, and shares information, anecdotes, and real-life examples to ease the transition from one culture to another.

Study in America will serve as a one-point reference guide for students, right from the planning stage to adjusting in the environment of the U.S. universities.
Title Study in America : The Definitive Guide for Aspiring Students (Paperback)
ISBN 9788131731963
Edition 2nd Edition, 2011
Number of Pages 452
Country India
Language English

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Study in America : The Definitive Guide for Aspiring Students (Paperback)

Renuka Raja Rao

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