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ইনভেস্টিং ইন পিপল ফিনান্সিয়াল ইমপ্যাক্ট অব হিউম্যান রিসোর্স ইনিশিয়েটিভ

1st Edition, 1899


চলবে ৩১ ডিসেম্বর পর্যন্ত

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ইনভেস্টিং ইন পিপল ফিনান্সিয়াল ইমপ্যাক্ট অব হিউম্যান রিসোর্স ইনিশিয়েটিভ (Hardcover)

TK. 5,349

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Product Specification & Summary

This book will be co-published with SHRM. Advertising and promotion will be targeted to the group's 225,000 members via their website, publications, and conferences. Additionally, CEO Sue Meisinger wrote the foreword. More than ever before, HR practitioners must empirically demonstrate a clear link between their practices and firm performance. In this book, two world-renowned experts on quantifying the value of HR present a comprehensive framework for doing just that. Wayne F. Cascio and John W. Boudreau provide powerful techniques for looking inside the HR "black box," implementing human capital metrics that track the effectiveness of talent policies and practices, demonstrating the logical connections to financial and line-of-business, and using HR metrics to drive more effective decision-making. Using their powerful "LAMP" methodology (Logic, Analytics, Measures, and Process), Cascio and Boudreau demonstrate how to measure and analyze the value of every area of HR that impacts strategic value. Among the areas covered in depth are: hiring; training; leadership development; health and wellness; absenteeism; retention; employee engagement, and more. Using their techniques, you can transcend the "peanut butter" approach to talent decision-making, in which HR simply spreads the same investments across the entire organization. You'll learn how to systematically focus investments where they matter most, and avoid them where they don't make a strategic difference.

Salient Features
A complete, coherent, proven framework for evaluating, demonstrating, and maximizing the value of HR investments.
* Co-published with the Society For Human Resource Management (SHRM), a group with more than 230,000 members in 120 countries.
* How to choose HR investments that deliver optimal strategic value, and eliminate investments that don't.
* Specific, proven measurement and analysis techniques for hiring, training, retention, engagement, wellness, and other key HR initiatives.
Title ইনভেস্টিং ইন পিপল ফিনান্সিয়াল ইমপ্যাক্ট অব হিউম্যান রিসোর্স ইনিশিয়েটিভ
ISBN 9780132394116
Edition 1st Edition, 1899
Number of Pages 324
Country India
Language English

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ইনভেস্টিং ইন পিপল ফিনান্সিয়াল ইমপ্যাক্ট অব হিউম্যান রিসোর্স ইনিশিয়েটিভ

John Boudreau

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