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দ্য ক্লাশ অফ সিভিলাইজেশন এশিয়ান রেসপন্সেস

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দ্য ক্লাশ অফ সিভিলাইজেশন এশিয়ান রেসপন্সেস

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বর্তমানে প্রকাশনীতে এই বইটির মুদ্রিত কপি নেই। বইটি প্রকাশনীতে এভেইলেবল হলে এসএমএস/ইমেইলের মাধ্যমে নোটিফিকেশন পেতে রিকুয়েস্ট ফর রিপ্রিন্ট এ ক্লিক করুন।


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Product Specification & Summary

In the The Clash of Civilizations? Samuel P. Huntington provocatively laid down the global fault lines of the post Cold War era. Huntington sees the West as involved in an unavoidable collision with two major civilizations—Islamic and Confucian. This controversial thesis, originally published in Foreign Affairs and now developed into a book, The Clash of Civilizations and the Remaking of World Order, is said to have generated more comments than any other contribution to Foreign Affairs in recent times. It is curious that Huntington is not a specialist in either of the civilizations he has singled out as a potential “enemy”.

This volume provides critical responses from representatives of Confucian and Islamic cultures to Huntington’s provocative thesis. These essays, representing thoughtful work of scholars from seven countries, will provide readers with a well-rounded picture of the issues raised by Huntington. The volume begins with a reprint of Huntington’s own essay, which is not widely available, in order to provide readers familiarity with the original.

1. The Clash of Civilizations?
2. Racial Conflict or Clash of Civilizations?: Rival Paradigms for Emerging Fault-Lines
3. Huntingtion and the World Order: Systemic Concern or Hegemonic Vision
4. Are We Really Seeing the Clash of Civilization?
5. Framing the 'New' East Asia: Anti-Imperialist Discourse and Global Capitalism
6. The Clash of Civilizations or Camouflaging Dominance?
7. The Clash of Civilizations Revisited: A Confucian Perspective
8. Culture Versus Civilization: A Critique of Huntington
Title দ্য ক্লাশ অফ সিভিলাইজেশন এশিয়ান রেসপন্সেস
ISBN 9840513907
Number of Pages 158
Country Bangladesh
Language English

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দ্য ক্লাশ অফ সিভিলাইজেশন এশিয়ান রেসপন্সেস

Salim Rashid

৳ 343 ৳390.0

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