A Divided Legacy is perhaps the first book to analyze Partition novels in three major languages of the Indian sub-continent: English, Bengali and Urdu. In addition, Punjabi novels available in English translation have also been included. The book is thus an important addition to the numerous writings that have appeared in recent years on an event that not only created two nation states but also affected the psyche of the people who had been thus divided. Part of the collective memory of the sub-continent, the Partition generates diverse responses from the generation that witnessed it and the children who inherited their legacy. A Divided Legacy examines both the detailed narratives that have been written on the Partition as well as novels that, either written in the late forties or situated around 1947, choose to be disturbingly silent.
Contents: 1. Massacres and Madness 2. The Fiery Plain: The Partition in Selected Urdu Novels 3. Divided Hearts 4. Public Politics and Private Lives 5. A New Dawn: Voices from East Pakistan 6. The Struggle Continues: Bengali Novels of Class Consciousness 7. Hindu and/ against Muslims 8. The Fires of Partition in Sharf Mukaddam and Anita Desai 9. Caliban's Children: Salman Rushdie and Shashi Tharoor 10. Beginning Again: Bapsi Sidhwa and Mahmud Sipra 11. Betrayal in Bengal: In the Shadows of Fireflies 12. Nostalgic Shadows: The Partition in Sunil Gangopadhyay, Amitav Ghosh, and Taslima Nasreen
এ ডিভাইডেড লিগেচি- দ্য পার্টিশন ইন সিলেক্টেড নভেলস অফ ইন্ডিয়া, পাকিস্তান এন্ড বাংলাদেশ
Niaz Zaman- ঢাকা বিশ্ববিদ্যালয়ের অবসরপ্রাপ্ত শিক্ষক, একজন লেখক, সম্পাদক, অনুবাদক এবং প্রকাশক। মূলত বড়দের জন্য লেখালেখি করলেও তিনি ছোটদের জন্যও কম লিখেন নি। লোককাহিনীর ইংরেজি অনুবাদ Princess Kalabati and Other Tales, The Cat Who Loved Hats Ges The Boy Who Loved Balloons শিশু-কিশোরদের জন্য লিখিত উল্লেখযোগ্য গ্রন্থ। সাহিত্যে অবদানের জন্য ২০১৩ সালে তিনি অনন্য সাহিত্য পুরস্কার লাভ করেন। (Niaz Zaman, who retired from the University of Dhaka after a long teaching career, is a writer, editor, translator, and publisher. Though she mainly writes adult fiction, she also writes children\'s books. Among her works for children are Princess Kalabati and Other Tales, a translation of Bangla folk tales, The Cat Who Loved Hats and The Boy Who Loved Balloons. She received the Anannya Sahitya Purushkar in 2013 for her contribution to literature.)