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ইকোনোমিকস অ্যানালাসিস অফ কনটেম্পরারি ইস্যুস ইন বাংলাদেশ image

ইকোনোমিকস অ্যানালাসিস অফ কনটেম্পরারি ইস্যুস ইন বাংলাদেশ (Hardcover)

Akhter Hossain

TK. 550 Total: TK. 418
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ইকোনোমিকস অ্যানালাসিস অফ কনটেম্পরারি ইস্যুস ইন বাংলাদেশ

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ইকোনোমিকস অ্যানালাসিস অফ কনটেম্পরারি ইস্যুস ইন বাংলাদেশ (Hardcover)

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Product Specification & Summary

Economic Analyses of Contemporary Issues in Bangladesh is a collection of studies by economists and other social scientists, working mostly on economic and social policies and issues in Bangladesh. This compilation of analytically well-grounded studies by established researchers covers a variety of topics such as economic growth patterns, regional convergence of per-capita income, micro-credits, natural resource management, household choice of water and sanitation facilities, capital markets, exchange rate policy, corruption, and transfer pricing by foreign investors. The authors have applied different analytical techniques and methodologies and have drawn conclusions and policy implications based on empirical findings. The volume reveals that Bangladesh has had significant regional convergence in economic growth, with both financial development and human capital formation contributing to that growth, and that the economic development accompanying this growth has resulted in a reduction in the nation's fertility rate. Financial development was also a factor in de-linking currency devaluation from inflation. However, the pace of regional convergence started to slow down in the early 1980s. Foreign capital inflow is poor because of governance problems and a weak stock market. If foreign investment is invited, careful attention should be given to the regulatory regime and policies such as transfer pricing. A number of the articles explore the possibility of employment generation and income redistribution through fisheries management and micro-credit as well as the issue of proper sanitation. This volume is written for both the students and teachers of economics and related disciplines, such as business, finance and development studies. Also, as an independent, balanced and homegrown source of information, it would be useful to both policymakers and other practitioners dealing with the contemporary issues in Bangladesh.
Title ইকোনোমিকস অ্যানালাসিস অফ কনটেম্পরারি ইস্যুস ইন বাংলাদেশ
ISBN 9840517589
Edition 1st Published, 2006
Number of Pages 312
Country Bangladesh
Language English

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ইকোনোমিকস অ্যানালাসিস অফ কনটেম্পরারি ইস্যুস ইন বাংলাদেশ

Akhter Hossain

৳ 418 ৳550.0

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