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হিউম্যান ডেভেলপমেন্ট ইন সাউথ এশিয়া ২০০৩ image

হিউম্যান ডেভেলপমেন্ট ইন সাউথ এশিয়া ২০০৩ (Hardcover)

Mahbub ul Haq

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হিউম্যান ডেভেলপমেন্ট ইন সাউথ এশিয়া ২০০৩

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হিউম্যান ডেভেলপমেন্ট ইন সাউথ এশিয়া ২০০৩ (Hardcover)

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Product Specification & Summary

Human Development Centre's 2003 Report on The Employment Challenge of South Asia underlines the imperative of translating economic growth into job creation and poverty reduction. In Keeping with the tradition of the Centre's previous reports, this report analyses the issue of employment from the perspective of people. The report raises concerns about the current patterns of economic growth and trade, the systems of education and training, the protection of the rights of all workers including women and children, and the global trading rules as they impact on food and livelihood security of poor people. The report provides a policy framework to establish links between economic growth, employment, human development and poverty reduction. The report concludes that the failure to consciously establish this link would deliver neither sustainable economic growth nor social justice. The report analyses the critical issue of employment in the context of globalisation and slow down of world economy. In recent years, the South Asian countries have increased their economic activities, but these have not led to increased income for the majority of people or reduction in poverty. The report puts people at the center of economic, political and social policies. The South Asia regional focus of the report enables a rich examination of issues, comparing and contrasting the experiences of various South Asian countries. The wealth of data collected for the report, as well as the analyses made will be valuable for policy makers, social scientists, academic and research institutes, students of economics, sociology, government and trade policies, and all those who are engaged in influencing policies. Human Development in South Asia 2003 has been prepared under the direction of Khadija Haq, President of the Mahbub ul Haq Human Development Centre. Research was conducted by a team consisting of Feyza Arman Bhatti, Umara Afsar, Muhammad Daud Munir, Mohammed Ali Raja and Taha Mustafa. Two Indian economists, Jayati Ghosh and Parthapratim Pal, were an integral part of this work.
Title হিউম্যান ডেভেলপমেন্ট ইন সাউথ এশিয়া ২০০৩
ISBN 9840517112
Edition 1st Published, 2004
Number of Pages 200
Country Bangladesh
Language English

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হিউম্যান ডেভেলপমেন্ট ইন সাউথ এশিয়া ২০০৩

Mahbub ul Haq

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