"Industrial Engineering In Apparel And Production Management" Preface of This Book: This book is written to explain the application of Industrial Engineering (IE) concepts in garment Industry. To many, this is important to know why one should set up an IE department in garment factory. This book is wished for for a broad range of readers, including students, researchers, industrialists and academicians, as well as professionals in the clothing and textile industry. For easy understanding, the text is supplemented by illustrations and photographs wherever possible. Although it is fundamentally a research monograph, it includes considerable industrial standards, techniques and practices. It is, therefore, not only useful for the academia, but also provides a handy reference for professionals in the industry. The book is divided into mainly two parts: one is about industrial engineering and another is about production management of apparel industry. First part deals with primary concept about industrial engineering, the concepts of production and productivity, the role of apparel engineering, the techniques and the standards of method analysis and recoding techniques, principle of motion economy and describes the techniques, Material Handling, Line Balancing, various apparel production systems and factory layouts. Work measurement techniques, scientific approach of various training techniques, of production planning and control, Ergonomics Etc. While Second Part deals with introductory knowledge about production management, Plant Location and layout, Wages and Incentives, Production Cost Concepts and Break-even analysis and Maintenance Management.