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বাকেট লিস্ট দ্য কেরালা জার্নাল

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বাকেট লিস্ট দ্য কেরালা জার্নাল (Hardcover)

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“Bucket List The Kerala Journal" Some Information of this book: Perhaps everyone has a cherished list of things to do, places to visit, milestones to achieve in a personal Bucket List -- items to check off before one kicks the bucket! Sabrina Islam an entrepreneur, photographer, and avid traveler -- was able to fulfill one of her dreams from her Bucket List: a photo adventure in the backwaters of the south Indian state of Kerala. But it turned out to be something more: a journey of the soul, a sorely needed sojourn of the mind from the daily grind, and an opportunity to reflect, recharge, and rejuvenate.Bucker List: The Kerala Journal is a book of photography and a travelogue. As she travels through the different parts of Kerala, Sabrina keeps a daily journal, recording the landscapes, nature studies, the insects and birds, her introspections, and the merging of the surroundings with the emotions felt within. And she tries to capture the images with her camera. The Kerala Journal takes the reader on a visit to Kerala through the eyes and the lens of the writer.The writings, interjected with ‘haikus’ (a short form of Japanese poetry, usually consisting of seventeen syllables in three lines of five, seven, and five) and photographs convey the sense to the reader that the beautiful that is in front right here and now is but fleeting. If the subtle sense of pleasant sorrow -- that once the eyes are closed and then opened again it is gone forever -- is not there, the connection to the perpetual is missed. She wants her writing to make that connection every time.
Title বাকেট লিস্ট দ্য কেরালা জার্নাল
ISBN 9789843398536
Edition 1st Published, 2015
Number of Pages 192
Country Bangladesh
Language English

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বাকেট লিস্ট দ্য কেরালা জার্নাল

Sabrina Islam

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