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এনকাউটারিং এক্সক্লুশন : প্রাইমারী এডুকেশন পলিসি ওয়াচ

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এনকাউটারিং এক্সক্লুশন : প্রাইমারী এডুকেশন পলিসি ওয়াচ

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b>ENCOUNTERING EXCLUSION : Primary Education Policy Watch

Rashed Al Mahmud Titumir and Jakir Hossain

The current volume Encountering Exclusion reviews the National Education Policy (NEP), National Plan of Action (NPA) and Primary Education Development Programme (PEDP) and other policy instruments, plans and programmes in order to provide domestic discourse on fair share in, and equal access to primary education, that the poor and marginalised children are able to enroll in and complete quality primary education. The volume offers a point of reference for citizens'. engagement processes on policy design, implementation and outcome in order to identify homegrown policy alternatives and to build support for emerging policy options.

Rashed Al Mahmud Titumir educated in the universities of Dhaka, London and Carleton, is an Assistant Professor at the Department of Development Studies, University of Dhaka, and taught economics at the Bangladesh Open University and University of London. He has written policy papers and books on impacts of structural adjustment, world trading system and regional economic cooperation and has also publications in the areas of pro-poor expenditure choices, poverty, micro-credit, skill formation, aid, education, and investment.

Jakir Hossain educated in the universities of South Bank, London School of Economics, and Carleton, is an Assistant Professor at the Institute of Bangladesh Studies, University of Rajshahi. He has written articles, policy papers, briefs, on multilateral trading regime, poverty and injustice, skill formation and learning for employability, education and development, micro-credit and empowerment, population and sustainable development.
Title এনকাউটারিং এক্সক্লুশন : প্রাইমারী এডুকেশন পলিসি ওয়াচ
ISBN 9848243232
Number of Pages 156
Country Bangladesh
Language English

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এনকাউটারিং এক্সক্লুশন : প্রাইমারী এডুকেশন পলিসি ওয়াচ

Jakir Hossain

৳ 287 ৳350.0

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