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War And Peace (Paperback)

Leo Tolstoy

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War And Peace

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War And Peace (Paperback)

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Product Specification & Summary

'War And Peace' Summary of the book
War And Peace is a classic novel that delves into the dual themes of war and love. The book was first published in 1869 and is widely considered as Leo Tolstoy’s magnum opus.
Summary Of The Book:
Originally written in Russian, War And Peace has been translated into a number of languages, including English. The novel, though one of the longest ever written, is a must read for every literature enthusiast. The novel is set in the early 19th century and revolves around the French invasion of Russia by Napoleon. War And Peace is truly an epic in itself and is divided into four volumes and has an epilogue in two parts. Most of the characters of the large cast are introduced early, at a social party in St. Petersburg. While the novel is fictional in nature, it does include some historical facts and figures, such as Alexander I and Napoleon, and the French Invasion of Russia in 1812 and the Napoleonic Wars. The novel takes us on an unforgettable journey as we encounter various characters in search of love amidst war and peace. The novel’s plot can be seen from two different perspectives. First, it depicts the Napoleonic invasion of Russia, and the Russian war efforts to defeat the French. The other plot is mainly concerned with the personal dramas of five aristocratic families, particularly the Bolkonskys, the Bezukhovs, and the Rostovs. The novel follows these representatives of the Russian aristocracy, as they build their lives in a war torn empire. The principal characters of the novel are three young aristocrats, Pierre, Andrei and Natasha. While the novel focuses on the aristocracy, the peasantry and the soldiers are given ample voice throughout. War And Peace is not just a novel about human emotions, frailties and history, but it is also a discourse on Tolstoy’s philosophies. The later part of the novel includes many sections that throw light on Tolstoy’s philosophical ideologies. Contents
Translator's Note.....................xxi
War and Peace............................I
The Characters......................1372
Summary of Chapters............1379
Title War And Peace
ISBN 9788175992832
Edition Reprint, 2021
Number of Pages 1232
Country India
Language English

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War And Peace

Leo Tolstoy

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