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In Memoriam  (Hardcover)

Charlotte M. Mason

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In Memoriam 

৭ ডিসেম্বর থেকে আসছে বিশাল ছাড়!

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In Memoriam  (Hardcover)

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"Life is more intense, more difficult, more exhausting for us than it was for our fathers; it will probably be more difficult still for our children than for ourselves. How timely, then, and how truly, as we say, providential, that just at this juncture of difficult living, certain simple, defin- ite clues to the art of living should have been put into our hands. Is it presumptuous to hope that new life has been vouchsafed to us in these days, in response to our more earnest endeavour, our more passionate craving for "more light and fuller"? We look back at our small beginnings and thank God and take courage, for already we number our thousands. We have reason to congratulate ourselves and each other, but let us do so with diffidence. Success has its derils. May we each feel that we have a personal work to accomplish in connection with the Union; that each of us is a propagandist, upon whom rests the duty of spreading the principles which seem to us so full of light.'
Title In Memoriam 
ISBN 9789333130073
Edition Reprinted, 2013
Number of Pages 227
Country India
Language English

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In Memoriam 

Charlotte M. Mason

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