Introduction to Legal Theories : Basic Jurisprudential Studies

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Introduction to Legal Theories : Basic Jurisprudential Studies (Paperback)

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The ` Introduction to Legal Theories: Basic Jurisprudential Studies’ book juxtaposes and compares many legal theories, doctrines and ideas. In all its paraphernalia relevance it deals with the issues of constitutional and international laws, positive legal theories, human rights and women's empowerment and respect for older generation and special care for children that cannot be traded off with our immediate monetary gains.
We cannot simply destroy the family values and our habitat that are under constant attack by a very tiny and powerful tycoon, who are now deliberately creating confusion about all kinds of healthy legal and moral theories that we all need so desperately. The ugly or dangerous onslaughts on Islamic and Eastern legal theories are often remained unaddressed and deserve to be examined critically, but surely objectively.
The book has tried to juxtapose and elaborate many ideas about legal theories of all kinds. Author invites people with any good or moral sense to examine the Western as well as Islamic legal theories objectively and comprehensively for the purpose of creating better and just societies.
Title Introduction to Legal Theories : Basic Jurisprudential Studies
ISBN 9789848471258
Edition 2nd Edition,2016
Number of Pages 805
Country Bangladesh
Language English

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Introduction to Legal Theories : Basic Jurisprudential Studies

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