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Einstein: His Life and Universe

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Einstein: His Life and Universe (Paperback)

TK. 2,822

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Product Specification & Summary

"Einstein: His Life and Universe" by Walter Isaacson is a comprehensive biography that delves into the life, personality, and scientific achievements of Albert Einstein, one of the most influential physicists in history. Drawing from extensive personal letters, archives, and interviews, Isaacson presents a detailed portrait of Einstein as both a brilliant scientist and a complex human being.
The book explores Einstein’s early years, including his rebellious nature in school, his fascination with science and mathematics, and his struggle to find a job after completing his education. Despite facing many obstacles, Einstein’s revolutionary work in theoretical physics, particularly his development of the theory of relativity, propelled him to international fame.
Isaacson emphasizes Einstein’s deep curiosity and independent thinking, which led him to challenge established scientific norms and explore bold ideas. His most famous equation, 𝐸=𝑚𝑐2 , changed the understanding of energy and matter, and his work laid the foundation for modern physics. The book also covers Einstein's role in the development of quantum mechanics, though his discomfort with certain aspects of the theory became a lifelong philosophical challenge.
Beyond his scientific achievements, Isaacson portrays Einstein as a passionate advocate for civil rights, pacifism, and Zionism. The biography reveals his personal struggles, including two marriages, complicated relationships with his children, and his exile from Nazi Germany, which forced him to move to the United States.
Isaacson provides a nuanced view of Einstein’s personality, highlighting his quirky, nonconformist traits, his sense of humor, and his philosophical reflections on the nature of the universe. Despite his fame, Einstein remained humble and dedicated to exploring the mysteries of the cosmos.
In summary, Einstein: His Life and Universe is an insightful and well-researched biography that captures the essence of Einstein's genius, his human flaws, and his impact on both science and society. It offers a deep understanding of Einstein's life, from his groundbreaking theories to his personal beliefs and values.
Title Einstein: His Life and Universe
ISBN 9781847390547
Edition UK edition, 2008
Number of Pages 704
Country India
Language English

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Einstein: His Life and Universe

Walter Isaacson

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