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Secularism Under Siege : Revisiting the Indian Secular State image

Secularism Under Siege : Revisiting the Indian Secular State (Hardcover)

Zaheer Ali

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Secularism Under Siege : Revisiting the Indian Secular State

1st Edition, 2016


চলবে ৩১ ডিসেম্বর পর্যন্ত

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Secularism Under Siege : Revisiting the Indian Secular State (Hardcover)

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Product Specification & Summary

This volume makes a discerning attempt to bring into focus myriad dimensions of the idea of secularism and the foremost impediments in the way of its attainment. Most scholars who contributed to this volume have, for the most part, underscored that the disconnect between a modern-secular state and a conservative society has always been a detrimental factor in the realization of the ideal of a secular-democratic polity. Added to this is the burden of the past centuries that the independent nation of India has to carry on its young shoulders. There are political factions in India that invent their own historical narratives to advance their political agenda. This exercise coupled with political and economic contestations leads to social dissensions and communal hatred, the ugliest manifestation of which is communal violence that occasionally take on the form of anti-minority pogroms.

The erudite critiques of the concept of secularism and its correlated premises that are encompassed in this volume shall be of assistance not only to the scholars but also to the students of social sciences and the conscientious readers interested in knowing about the socio-political milieu they are living in.
Title Secularism Under Siege : Revisiting the Indian Secular State
ISBN 9789350024164
Edition 1st Edition, 2016
Number of Pages 416
Country India
Language English

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Secularism Under Siege : Revisiting the Indian Secular State

Zaheer Ali

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