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For The Love Of Physics

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For The Love Of Physics (Paperback)

From the End of the Rainbow to the Edge of Time - A Journey Through the Wonders of Physics

7 Ratings  |  1 Review

TK. 2,352

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Product Specification & Summary

"For the Love of Physics" by Walter Lewin is an engaging and accessible book that captures the beauty and wonder of physics through the eyes of a passionate teacher. Lewin, a renowned MIT physics professor, shares his love for the subject by explaining complex physics concepts in a way that is easy to understand for readers of all backgrounds. The book is a journey through the fundamental principles of physics, from the laws of motion to the mysteries of electricity and magnetism, all illustrated with real-world examples and Lewin's personal anecdotes.
The book is not just a textbook on physics; it’s an invitation to explore how physics is everywhere in our daily lives. Lewin covers topics like the forces that govern the universe, the nature of light and color, and the wonders of astronomical phenomena. He explains these topics with clarity, using examples such as rainbows, pendulums, and the stars, making physics feel both exciting and relatable.
Lewin also shares stories from his time as a professor, including his famous lectures that captivated students and online viewers around the world. His enthusiasm for the subject is infectious, and he emphasizes the importance of curiosity and the joy of discovery in learning.
Overall, For the Love of Physics is a book that not only educates but inspires readers to appreciate the beauty and relevance of physics in their everyday lives. It’s a celebration of science and the excitement that comes with exploring the physical world.
Title For The Love Of Physics
ISBN 9781451607130
Edition 1st Edition, 2012
Number of Pages 320
Country India
Language English

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For The Love Of Physics

Walter Lewin

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