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Who Stole The American Dream?

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Who Stole The American Dream? (Paperback)

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Is your Dream going to college and getting a degree? How many college grads find work in their chosen fields today? How many are doing that same work 10 years later... or even 5 years later? Likely one out of hundred. Is your Dream getting a good JOB? Working for living? Can you get a job where you can earn what you are worth... where you will become financially independent... and find fulfillment... and gain freedom... trading your time for money? Have you ever been made fun of...ridiculed...abused...misunderstood and mocked...until finally there came a time when you stood up and shouted, ENOUGH IS ENOUGH! Well, I've come to that point in my life. I'm mad - and I'm not going to put up with it anymore! So, I'm writing this book to set the record straight and tell you the tell you what your real chances are today to make it in conventional businesses that are cutting salaries and benefits or, even worse, closing their doors - and laying off people by the thousands. Notice I said "conventional businesses". Truth is, there is another unconventional business where average people can be their own boss and succeed in an industry that is revolutionizing the way the world lives, shops, and works. In this fast-growing industry called Network marketing, you can set your own hours...set your own goals...and earn anywhere from part-time income to an absolute fortune. Is Network Marketing a scam? ...A scheme? ... Or the American Dream? You deserve to know the truth. The whole truth. And nothing but the truth! Read this book...and you be the judge!
Title Who Stole The American Dream?
ISBN 9789380494005
Edition 1st Edition, 2020
Number of Pages 148
Country India
Language English

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