Preface Due to dynamic status of dental sciences, enormous developments and advancements have taken place and will continue to take place in future. With the advancement in every field, there has been an unprecedented progress, more so since 1960, in almost all the materials used directly and indirectly in restoring teeth and associated structures. With the aim to achieve idealism in every material and technique, ease of manipulation to the dental surgeon and to provide better services to the patients, continuous research is going on for improving all the existing materials. The introduction of newer materials for better results is a continuous and unending process. Development in dental materials (biomaterials) have opened new vistas in the management of patients. New developments are taking place at a fast pace. Unless we fully understand the technical and clinical properties, we cannot make use of their superior properties. The limitations of their clinical applications have to be fully realized and understood. With the ever increasing claims and counterclaims of the manufacturers, a dental surgeon must be aware of the latest. developments along with the basic fundamentals of all the materials and techniques. He must know what to choose, when to use and how to use, to provide better services to the patients. It has been realized that the BDS students in first year should know about the dental devices, therefore, a chapter on the Dental Devices has been added. The multifarious advances in technology, science and materials have improved a lot and will have a significant impact on the future practice and demand for dental services. Therefore the importance of study of the science of dental materials is increasing day by day with advancement in existing materials.
A Textbook Of Dental Materials With Multiple Choice Questions