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Design and Analysis of Algorithms (Paperback)

S Sridhar

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Design and Analysis of Algorithms

1st edition, 2014


চলবে ৩১ ডিসেম্বর পর্যন্ত

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Design and Analysis of Algorithms (Paperback)

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Product Specification & Summary

Design and Analysis of Algorithms is designed to serve as a textbook for the undergraduate students of computer science engineering and information technology as well as postgraduate students of computer applications. The book aims to empower students with in-depth knowledge of the fundamental concepts and the design, analysis, and implementation aspects of algorithms.
The book begins with the basics of algorithms and problem-solving concepts followed by an introduction to algorithm writing, and analysis of iterative and recursive algorithms. In-depth explanations and designing techniques of various types of algorithms used for problem-solving such as brute force technique, divide-and-conquer technique, decrease-and- conquer strategy, greedy approach, transform-and-conquer strategy, dynamic programming, branch-and-bound approach, and backtracking are provided in the book. It also covers discussion of string algorithms, iterative improvement, linear programming, computability theory, NP-hard problems, NP-completeness, randomized algorithms, approximation algorithms, and parallel algorithms.
The book includes a variety of chapter-end pedagogical features such as point-wise summary, glossary, review questions, exercises, and additional problems to help readers test their understanding and also apply and practise the concepts learnt. Appendices on basic mathematics and proof techniques are given to aid students refresh the fundamental concepts.
Key Features
■ In-depth treatment for topics such as greedy approach, dynamic programming, transform-and-conquer technique, decrease-and-conquer technique, linear programming, and randomized and approximation algorithms
■ Dedicated chapters on backtracking and branch-and-bound techniques, string matching algorithms, and parallel algorithms
■ Extensive discussion on the developing and designing aspects of algorithms using minimal mathematics and numerous examples
■ Judicious presentation of algorithms using step-wise approach throughout the text
Historical notes on various topics and chapter-end crossword puzzles provided to engage readers and enhance their interest in the subject
Title Design and Analysis of Algorithms
ISBN 9780198093695
Edition 1st edition, 2014
Number of Pages 788
Country India
Language English

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Design and Analysis of Algorithms

S Sridhar

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