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বাংলাদেশ ২০১৫ ক্রসিং মাইলস image

বাংলাদেশ ২০১৫ ক্রসিং মাইলস (Paperback)

Hossain Zillur Rahman

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বাংলাদেশ ২০১৫ ক্রসিং মাইলস

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বাংলাদেশ ২০১৫ ক্রসিং মাইলস (Paperback)

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Power and Participation Research Centre (PPRC), established in 1996, is an independent, non-profit centre for research and social action. The Centre strives to develop a holistic approach towards issues of development, knowledge management and citizen empowerment. PPRC places particular emphasis on evidence-based policy formulation and values a pro-active approach towards building southern voices in the global discourse. A major focus of the Centre's activities and programmes pertain to the intellectual and cultural heritage of Bangladesh and its people, as well as their capability to cope with the problems and issues of the past, present and future. A key goal of the Centre is to assist in the development of a research culture which values excellence and relevance. PPRC has a specific focus on young researchers. PPRC sees its own growth as an exercise in institution building and adopts a motto of relevant research for relevant action.

Hossain Zillur Rahman combines degrees in Economics (Masters, Dhaka University, 1976) and political Sociology (PhD, University of Manchester, 1986). A leading researcher at the Bangladesh Institute of Development Studies (1977-2000), he founded the Power and Participation Research Centre, Dhaka in 1996 and is currently its Executive Chairman. He is a Commissioner of the Independent South Asian Commission on Poverty Alleviation and is currently the Lead Consultant in the preparation of Bangladesh PRSP. He has co-authored Re-Thinking Rural Poverty (SAGE, 1995) and Local Governance and Community Capacities (UPL, 2002). He is an active player on civil society issues and is the coordinator of the Local Government Support Group and the Shushikkha Andolon.
Title বাংলাদেশ ২০১৫ ক্রসিং মাইলস
Edition 1st Published, 2006
Number of Pages 24
Country Bangladesh
Language English

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বাংলাদেশ ২০১৫ ক্রসিং মাইলস

Hossain Zillur Rahman

৳ 47 ৳50.0

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