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স্লাইস অব প্যারাডাইস image

স্লাইস অব প্যারাডাইস

Mehrab Masayeed Habib

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স্লাইস অব প্যারাডাইস

চলবে ৩১ ডিসেম্বর পর্যন্ত

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স্লাইস অব প্যারাডাইস

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Product Specification & Summary

Slice of Paradise”, by Mehrab Masayeed Habib, is a novel with the background of Dhaka city from the mid-'60s to 1972. The protagonist of the novel is Arman, a civil engineering student at EPUET. He lives in Dhanmondi with his parents (mother Anarkali and father Selim). Selim is an engineer by profession, who is also an influential person in the Berger Engineers for the Kamalapur Railway station project. Arman's close friend Anowar is an EPUET student coming from a middle-class family. The story proceeds on with Arman and his parents along with Anowar, his parents, sister Labonee and cousin Kabir. Readers will get a glimpse of life, culture, social and political aspects of Dhaka, previously Dacca of 60s, which has been taken from authentic sources. At the same time, the novel depicts the portraits of partisan, communal riots, the mistreatment of West Pakistan Junta over the then East Pakistanis, the plot of liberation war of Bangladesh as well as the love and lives of people of that time – all these made the novel quite a suspense.
Title স্লাইস অব প্যারাডাইস
ISBN 9879848047040
Edition 1st Published, 2019
Number of Pages 202
Country Bangladesh
Language English

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স্লাইস অব প্যারাডাইস

Mehrab Masayeed Habib

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