This handy single-volume book covers the four subjects of Oral Anatomy, Oral Physiology, Oral Histology and Tooth Morphology. The contents are presented in a way which is simple to comprehend yet exhaustive in its coverage. The inclusion of Key Points, Mind Maps, Multiple Choice Questions, schematic diagrams and instructions for the procedure of tooth carving are additional features incorporated in this book.
• Incorporates a 'clinical overview' of the various topics in each chapter to highlight the clinical applications of the concerned topics. • Includes numerous easy-to-understand schematic diagrams. • A visual representation of 'step-by-step tooth carving techniques' in the ancillary DVD and instructions in the Tooth Morphology chapters will assist the students in their practical sessions. • Key Points and Multiple Choice Questions at the end of each chapter will help students in quickly revising the subject and assessing their understanding. • The appendix on summary of histologic slides with lucid images and appropriate identification points will assist the students in their preparation for practical examinations.
Textbook of Oral Anatomy, Physiology, Histology and Tooth Morphology (With DVD)